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Leaders in EEO/AA Compliance

FAQs » Affirmative Action Plans

What is an AAP?

AAP stands for an Affirmative Action Plan. An affirmative action plan is a set of specific and results-oriented procedures to which a contractor commits itself to apply every good faith. The object of such effort is equal employment opportunity. Procedures without efforts to make them work are meaningless and effort undirected by specific procedures is inadequate.

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Who needs to have an Affirmative Action Plan?

A prime or sub contractor with 50 or more employees and $50,000.00 or more in contracts must have a written affirmative action plan for each of its establishments. For more a more detailed look at who needs an AAP visit our "Who is Required" page or contact us for more information.

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What does the AAP do for the employer?

An AAP analyzes and evaluates all employment actions, including compensation, to determine the EEO compliance status of an employer. When problems are identified the AAP sets up appropriate corrective actions. An appropriately administered AAP is a powerful defense against complaints against discrimination.

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Who Audits Affirmative Action Plans?

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance programs, Employment Standards Administration, and The U. S. Department of Labor audit AAPs. Other federal agencies could do so as well as state and city governments can require contractors doing business with them to have an AAP.

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What do I do in the event of and Audit?

Don't worry! RPL attends and participates in all audits of facilities using our AAPs. As soon as you find out that your facility is under Audit, give us a call. We will begin preparations for the audit and when the time comes we will walk you through it step by step.

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What do I do with the AAP when it is completed and sent to me?

It is not uncommon for managers to wonder, "Okay, I have an AAP, now what do I do with it?" Have no fear. Along with the preparation of your company's Affirmative Action Plan, upon request, we will provide an hour of training for management on how affirmative action functions and a discussion of the manager�s obligations to implement the plan. During this training period you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have concerning the Affirmative Action Plan.

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Will my managers have problems reviewing AAPs for all facilities in my company?

When companies have several facilities requiring the development of individual AAPs, we develop a format that is common to all the AAPs while retaining the individuality of each facility. This allows managers to move between facilities and still be familiar with the structure and of contents of a facility's AAP.

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How do I send my AAP data?

We provide data forms to assist you in gathering and preparing the correct data to be used in your Affirmative Action Plan. Once you have all the information gathered and ready to send, you can send your AAP data to rpl@rplmri.com. Explanations and Downloads of the data forms can be accessed at our Forms page.

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