The Workforce
Analysis is the single most important information source
required for the development of an affirmative action program.
It calls for great accuracy in completing
all of the information requested. The form should be designed to identify
all the job titles and the ethnic and gender
characteristics of each employee in each
In completing
the form, please identify the department for each employee,
listing its specific name (e.g. Accounting, Consumer
Loans, Trust, etc.). The column headings identify
the information to be placed in each of them.
However, a few of them may need further explanation to
ensure clarity.
- Department Name
- Supervising Department: The department above the employees department, or the person who supervises the employees department.
- Employee
- Job Title
- Hire Date
- Wage or Salary
- EEO Code
- Sex and Minority Status
Additional information that must be included in the departmental workforce display:
- Department supervision must be listed.
- Separate lines of progression within a department and their unit supervision must be clearly identified
in the department display or on a separate list.