The purpose of
this form is to record each hire or job offer made by the
company during the reporting period being analyzed as
part of the AAP
preparation. For purposes of
responding to Executive order 11246, a job offer
has the same value as a hire. As required in the
completion of all information requests needed for the
preparation of an AAP, the minority and gender of the
persons hired or offered jobs are vital pieces of
information. In preparing this data, each person
hired or given a job offer is recorded
individually. If five people are hired or given job
offers for the same job title, each of them are
identified individually including salary data, race,
Please include the following information:
- The date the person was hired or the job offer was made.
- Check the appropriate column indicating a hire or a rejected offer.
- The name of the person who was hired or who was given a job offer.
- Identify the specific job title for which the candidate was hired or offered a position.
- Identify the job group (if known) or EEO-1 category to which the job title belongs.
- Identify the person's race and gender.
- Check the column marked "D" if the person is recognized to be disabled.
- Check the column marked "V" if this person is veteran of the Armed Forces.
Make sure that all the names listed on this log are also
found on the Applicant Flow Log.